23.11.2020 Kongress Fabriksoftware 2020 (Opening Keynote)
Die Fabriksoftware der Zukunft
- Was ist Fabriksoftware?
- Anforderungen an die Fabriksoftware der Zukunft
- Wie kann Fabriksoftware den Anforderungen von IoT und Industrie 4.0 gerecht werden?
10.11.2020 Workshop Potsdam (Abschlussvortrag)
Mehr Kreativität in Prozessen - das unternehmerische Potenzial erschließen
- Hemmnisse der Kreativität in Unternehmen
- Potenziale und Nutzen
- Wichtiger Ansatzpunkt: wissensintensive Geschäftsprozesse
09.09.2020 International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Matera, Italy (Keynote)
Research Challenges of Knowledge Modeling
What are the recent challenges in Modeling Knowledge in relationship to business processes? The presentation of Prof. Gronau shows what lies ahead and how such a research agenda can be compiled with domain experts form all over the world.
08.09.2020 Web Conference Data Economy, AI and Intellectual Property, Federal Ministry of Justice and consumer protection, Berlin, Germany (Programmatic Statement)
Concept of a European decentralized Copyright Platform for Music
Music rights are a complex topic. Central approaches to maintain and improve data quality failed over the last couple of years. Together with a research team from Potsdam University Prof. Gronau presented the international audience during the EU presidentship of Germany a new decentralized concept for international music rights.
20.04.2020 DESIGNA Partner Workshop inter traffic, Amsterdam (Opening Keynote)
Potential of Disruptive Technologies for Parking
Autonomous and connected vehicles, Fleet sharing influence and potentials, Parking facilities becoming transportation hubs, Alternative last mile options and Effect of block chain technology and new payment methods